View from the Green Bridge, pastel by Adriana Meiss |
I was in Old Forge this past weekend to see the opening reception of the pastel exhibit at
View Arts Center, and to take a portrait workshop with
Alain Picard.
While there, some friends wanted to see how I painted on location and for that purpose we went to the Green Bridge, which offers nice views in both directions. The "demo" was very short, perhaps half an hour, and I pointed out the most important aspects of painting outdoors: 1. select the subject, 2. Make small sketches first to determine the right composition and what the focal area is going to be, 3. pay attention to color temperature and values, 4. block in the main masses, and finally 5. provide some detail. I like to work as fast as I can so that the changing light conditions do not tempt me to make too many adjustments to my painting. This is the original piece:
en plein air, View from the Green Bridge |
In the studio I continued working on it and did some minimal changes to the composition. What took me the longest was giving the idea of a swift current. I realize that the freshness the original had is gone, but I needed to bring it to a level I felt comfortable with.
About the workshop, all I can say is that it was very informative to see the 2-hour demo Picard did the day before the workshop. I tried to approach the portrait as if it were a landscape, but one thing is sure, you won't be seeing portraits in this blog anytime soon.