a lovely painting, indeed, adriana ... i've always loved the angles and shapes of stalks of corn and you've done them justice displaying them before that lovely blue lake in the distance ...
the slide show is a fabulous display of the wonderful work you do, too !!
Thank you Leah! The slide show paintings were the ones I used for an Animoto display.
Donna, Thank you! I think my friend colored the gesso deep red and must have applied fine pumice gel for pastels probably with very little matte medium because when dry the strokes were very evident and thick in places.
Hi, I'm blog hopping and I happened to stop at yours and I have to say the if I could paint like you, I'd be a superbly rich. Your work is very lovely. :)
I rediscovered pastels in 2001 and ever since, I've been painting solely in this medium. My preferred subject is landscapes, but on occasion I switch to still life for a short while.
a lovely painting, indeed, adriana ... i've always loved the angles and shapes of stalks of corn and you've done them justice displaying them before that lovely blue lake in the distance ...
the slide show is a fabulous display of the wonderful work you do, too !!
Impressive piece, Adriana! Wow! How was the board prepared - gesso and pumice?
Thank you Leah! The slide show paintings were the ones I used for an Animoto display.
Donna, Thank you! I think my friend colored the gesso deep red and must have applied fine pumice gel for pastels probably with very little matte medium because when dry the strokes were very evident and thick in places.
Hi, I'm blog hopping and I happened to stop at yours and I have to say the if I could paint like you, I'd be a superbly rich. Your work is very lovely. :)
Just found your blog. Congratulations on your amazing work!
Bo, Thank you so much!
Tony, Thank you. Your work is impressive!
Just beautiful, Adriana!
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