Saturday, December 10, 2011

Almost Gone, 7x5"--SOLD

Another small painting I had in last weekend show.
It's loosely based on a photo I took last year. Fall colors were not as spectacular this year, very likely because of so much rain.

Some good news: I'll have a show in September next year at the Edgewood Gallery here in Syracuse. I'll be sharing the show with another pastel artist who paints mostly flowers, and a woodcarver. I'm already thinking of a theme...


Daniel Lee "Dan" Michael said...

That yellow tree absolutely glows -- a very nice painting. Do you know how many paintings you will need for next September?

Unknown said...


hmuxo said...

Absolutely beautiful, Adriana! The Fall colors are perfect! And, yes, wonderful news about September!! I'm Very excited for you. I already researched and unfortunately, the gallery is 274 miles from my house!!

Gunes Yilmaz said...

very nice, very soft. it feels like heaven!

Adriana Meiss said...

Dan, Thank you! I'll probably need ten paintings, with at least two large ones. The gallery is small, but it attracts a good crowd at the openings.
Donnie, Gunes, Thank you!
Hilda, it's just 6 hours ;-)
Thank you!