Sunset in Mauve, pastel on paper by Adriana Meiss |
At the end of April the guild I'm in (
OAG) will have it's annual spring sale. In my effort to avoid framing like crazy at the last minute, I have been working steadily for the last month, mostly producing small paintings. Some are already framed after having passed the test of seating on a shelf for weeks without any little thing screaming to have it fixed.
The reference photo for this painting was an irrigation channel from a nearby town, but by changing the vegetation I turned it into a scene that could have been from the Adirondacks.
I love the light on the water Adriana. This is a beautiful scene - you wouldn't know it was originally based on a water channel!
Thank you Elaine! Lately I have been using my photo references to a minimum. Most of the color is from experimenting.
GORGEOUS painting, Adriana!! Beautiful colors and love that light!!!
Thank you Hilda. I have painted similar scenes but in different colors.
Hilda said my thoughts exactly! Great work, Adriana!
Thank you Donna. Next time I see myself painting this same scene, I'll try different colors and fog...
Thank you Demetrius!
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