Once I get into the swing of things I tend to forget about the cold, and it's only when my fingers start to feel really clumsy and my toes are numb that I'm forced to take a break. I thaw my fingers in warm water, then drink some tea sitting by the stove, and back to work. If I can stand this cold, maybe I could paint outdoors when this freezing front is over...
This is another "happy" or sunny winter scene. It was worked from top to bottom in a loose way, but when I got to the sunny area in the stream I couldn't help but to pay attention to details.
Adriana, outstanding! I love this. Great watery water. Great Snow. Great composition.
This is the best one of your winter scenes yet! WOW! Love the shadows and light in the stream, and the way you succeeded with the complicated wood on the left. Where do you get your reference material? Are these all photos you've taken? This would be a good one to enter in a contest of as a juried selection for a show...
DonnaT, DonnaVT, and Matthew , Thank you all for your kind comments. I'm really sorry if I misled you in thinking that this and the previous one were my own references. Both came from the Wet Canvas Reference Library. I needed snowy scenes with bright light to help me get me in the mood for painting, and those photos were just perfect; they certainly served their purpose as I've been painting almost non-stop. But from now on, I'll be posting here work done from my own references. Sorry about that again.
Adri! Tenia tiempo de no revisar tu blog, y me encanta lo que me encuentro! Lindos trabajos, se nota tu dedicacion - a pesar de la falta de calentador !!
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