I'm from Costa Rica, where I spend one half of my life surrounded by varieties of greens all-year round. The other half has been here in Syracuse, and although I have learned to love the seasons and the changes they bring, I still resent winter for taking away the greens. It's no wonder then that I have painted only 3 winter scenes since I started with pastels eight years ago! However, because this past year marked my "half and half" life, I got to think that it's very likely that winter will continue being part of my future, and that it was time for me to fully embrace it. Thus, this painting, the third so far this season!
Adriana - Nice picture, as always. You did the tree color perfectly - something I can never quite manage. They end up with too much purple, or too brown, or too warm, or something. Also, did you use a dark paper/substrate?
Adriana this is very nice i love the way you treated the right side of the stream....it has a sense of depth and space leading away.
Matthew , Thanks! I did use black sanded Richeson paper which is somewhat coarse, but the only area I had to blend very hard was the sky. The trees where done mostly with the gray Ludwigs. Gray pinks or gray purples might work too for bare trees; I call them dirty colors but once on paper they look different.
Betsy , Thank you, I think it's the color contrast and gradation that makes some areas work.
You should do more winter scenes, this is beautiful! The brush on the right side is my favorite part.
You give up the greens - but think of the blues!!! Have you done any nighttime winter scenes? I'd love to see you do your dark-sky magic with snow!
Gorgeous painting, Adriana! Last winter I could not get inspired because everything seemed dull and gray. This year I am appreciating the subtle colors of winter more. I really like the tree colors you used. They are just right and very natural looking!
Adriana this is beautiful.
Pam , Funny that you mentioned the brush! Areas like that used to scare me because I didn't know how to start or how to proceed with them. Ever since I've been repeating in my head that the important thing is just to give the "idea of ..." I feel less scared to undertake scenes that could present some difficulty.
Right now I'm on a winter quest, so it's very likely that you'll see at least one winter night painting!
Donna T ,There are lots of paintings showing dull and gray days. I used to think that they were a reflection on how the painter felt at the moment, perhaps sad, lonely, etc. But when I started painting foggy scenes (some people might find them depressing), I felt happy and exalted, and perhaps you felt that way too with yours. So assuming I'm like most people, I cannot imagine anyone painting something he/she doesn't like. I'm beginning to think that's easier to feel the peace and quiet in the dull and gray. Does this make sense?
Donna VT , Thank you!
"I'm beginning to think that's easier to feel the peace and quiet in the dull and gray. Does this make sense?"
Makes perfect sense to me, Adriana. Life isn't always blue skies and sunshine so it's good to experience the other days and the feelings that come with them. I have to remind myself that other people need quiet, gray days as much as I do. Remind me that I said this about the end of February when I'll be whining about the lack of sunshine!
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